Kommentare zu: Electric Orange https://urbanwalkers.eu/de/produkt/electric-orange/ Crafting Magic für Ihre Füße Thu, 02 Nov 2023 09:21:47 +0000 stündlich 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.6 Von: Ricarda Scheer https://urbanwalkers.eu/de/produkt/electric-orange/#comment-7622 Tue, 23 May 2023 14:36:13 +0000 https://urbanwalkers.eu/?post_type=product&p=29684#comment-7622 These shoes are incredibly narrow and don’t fit properly. They’re also uncomfortable and give me blisters.

Von: Shoe Wizard https://urbanwalkers.eu/de/produkt/electric-orange/#comment-7623 Tue, 23 May 2023 14:36:13 +0000 https://urbanwalkers.eu/?post_type=product&p=29684#comment-7623 Als Antwort auf Ricarda Scheer.

We’re sorry that we couldn’t provide the experience you were hoping for and would like the opportunity to work towards resolving any issues. Please reach out to us through our live chat or email to let us know how we can assist you.

Von: Enno Clausen https://urbanwalkers.eu/de/produkt/electric-orange/#comment-7620 Mon, 22 May 2023 21:48:13 +0000 https://urbanwalkers.eu/?post_type=product&p=29684#comment-7620 The artist who designed these custom shoes is truly talented. I feel lucky to have a pair.

Von: Shoe Wizard https://urbanwalkers.eu/de/produkt/electric-orange/#comment-7621 Mon, 22 May 2023 21:48:13 +0000 https://urbanwalkers.eu/?post_type=product&p=29684#comment-7621 Als Antwort auf Enno Clausen.

We’re grateful for your business and are thrilled to hear you had a positive experience. Thank you for your review!

Von: Klemens Volk https://urbanwalkers.eu/de/produkt/electric-orange/#comment-7618 Sonne, 21 Mai 2023 07:16:55 +0000 https://urbanwalkers.eu/?post_type=product&p=29684#comment-7618 The materials used in the customization of my shoes were of the highest quality and looked great.

Von: Shoe Wizard https://urbanwalkers.eu/de/produkt/electric-orange/#comment-7619 Sonne, 21 Mai 2023 07:16:55 +0000 https://urbanwalkers.eu/?post_type=product&p=29684#comment-7619 Als Antwort auf Klemens Volk.

Thank you for your kind words and for choosing our store. We’re delighted to have met your expectations!

Von: Ralph Strauß https://urbanwalkers.eu/de/produkt/electric-orange/#comment-7616 Fr, 19 Mai 2023 18:23:23 +0000 https://urbanwalkers.eu/?post_type=product&p=29684#comment-7616 The production process was slow and frustrating, and the final product was not even close to what I wanted.

Von: Shoe Wizard https://urbanwalkers.eu/de/produkt/electric-orange/#comment-7617 Fr, 19 Mai 2023 18:23:23 +0000 https://urbanwalkers.eu/?post_type=product&p=29684#comment-7617 Als Antwort auf Ralph Strauß.

We apologize for any disappointments caused during your experience with us. Please don’t hesitate to contact us through our live chat or email to let us know how we can assist you.

Von: Shoe Wizard https://urbanwalkers.eu/de/produkt/electric-orange/#comment-24923 Mon, 15 May 2023 22:35:35 +0000 https://urbanwalkers.eu/?post_type=product&p=29684#comment-24923 Als Antwort auf Edwin Bittner.

Thank you for your support and for sharing your positive experience. We’re glad to have exceeded your expectations and appreciate your 4-star review.

Von: Edwin Bittner https://urbanwalkers.eu/de/produkt/electric-orange/#comment-24922 Mon, 15 May 2023 22:35:35 +0000 https://urbanwalkers.eu/?post_type=product&p=29684#comment-24922 These shoes are so comfortable and stylish. The materials used are top-notch, and the design is beautiful.
